Have you ever read a book wide-eyed, nodding, pacing and grunting in agreement? "Move Your DNA" by Katy Bowman was one of the books for me—I felt its contents in my bones and immediately knew it would greatly influence my movement and training philosophy.

I read Move Your DNA for the first time in Sweden. It was winter, but there I was, in front of an old church, squatting, reading, standing on one leg, re-reading, inhaling the information contained within. When people ask me where they can learn more about biomechanics, or principles of human movement, I tell them to read this first. If you want to live well read it. If you have pain, recurrent injuries, read it. If you have sore feet at the end of the day, read it.

You can purchase your copy HERE.

Monkey Rub at JUMA Amazon Lodge, Brazil

I woke up at 6am excited to go look for my new monkey friend and....HI WOOLY!

(I'm aware that this angle paired with days of travel did me no favors, but hey -- looking cute and the jungle don't go together. It's not about me, it's about sharing this beautiful encounter : ) Also, sorry for the 'baby talk' voice... I always do that when I talk to animals. Then I hear it on video and cringe)

Training at Luna Salada Hotel de Sal

When you are in remote Bolivia, you either eat, spend time on the salt, or work it out in the hotel bar. I did lots of each....here are some moments form my training in the only room with a wood floor in an otherwise completely salt-made hotel.

Filmed at Luna Salada Hotel de Sal.

Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia

Three days ago, in Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia we hiked out to the salt, and did this....

Rainbow face and couture mylar samurai moo-moo by Flow Movement ; )

Photo by Pole Ninja Photography.

Atacama Desert, Chile - Part II

We were on our way back to the car because the sun was going down and the temperature was dropping --then we saw this incredible scene. We stopped in our tracks and I quickly dropped my pants (It's a talent -- I see something awesome and my clothes are changed in seconds.). The sun was still giving the rainbow mountain a slight glow, which meant we had about three minutes to make something happen.

Layers of minerals give the mountain its distinct colors. Shot in the Valle del Arco Iris.

Photos by Pole Ninja Photography.

Atacama Desert

The Atacama desert is one of the most stunning places on earth. In two days we saw pastel ombre mineral mountains, glittering rock face, dancing flamingos, salt-flats with neon blue water, active volcanoes, llamas with neon pink fertility adornments, velvety chocolate covered hills, golden fields of desert grass, roaming peacocks, donkeys and more. Here I am, in a crevasse in the Valle de Arcoiris. Thank you to our guide, Hegel for helping out, and big shout out to nature for making such epic places.
Photo magic by Kenneth Kao. How do you do it?

Wake Up Your Back in Under Three Minutes

In this excerpt from a rooftop movement session, Marlo leads a quick sequence to wake up your back musculature. Try these moves to enliven your posture and prepare for deeper stretching.  If you have more that three minutes, great! Extend this sequence by performing more repetitions of each exercise -- try each movement for 30 seconds to one minute for even more Flowbility benefits.

In this excerpt from a rooftop movement session, Marlo leads a quick sequence to wake up your back musculature. Try these moves to enliven your posture and prepare for deeper stretching. If you have more that three minutes, great!

March Playlist

Cabo Photo Experiments

This photo is insane and I love it. The other night in Cabo we did some experimenting...during a 15 second exposure inside the beautiful, party-lit Dollskingdom Pole studio, Millie Robson ran through holding LEDs, I ran in and jumped while Kenneth Kao ran in and flashed me (with his lights of course). Voila! Colorful, intergalactic, psychedelic overkill!

#TBT to a Tiny Island

Handstand on the tip of a sandbar off a tiny island off the tiny island of Panglao, Philippines.