Have 6 minutes for three breathy Floor Flow moves?

Have 6 minutes for three breathy Floor Flow moves?

In this six-minute video, I lead three basic, breathy, Floor Flow® moves—no mat required.

(Full disclosure, I shot this video several years ago. But, luckily, laying on the floor and getting in some gentle movement doesn’t seem to go out of style. #classic )

If you like this type of material and want to see how to build off these concepts to create flowing floorwork, take a look at the Ease of Movement pack. It’s comprised of ten Floor Flow® and Flowbility® videos, specially curated to help you find more fluidity in your movement. Save 15% with code INTRO.

A Must-Read Testimonial from an 80-year-old Floor Flower

At the end of a recent one hour Floor Flow class, the most senior woman in the room, Gladys, spoke up:

 “I am about to turn 80 years old, and I have to say that this is the most wonderful thing I have ever done with my body”. With a glimmer of tear in her eye, she looked around to make sure the younger people were listening, “Truly, the hardest thing about getting old is losing the ability to get up and down, to move easily—this reminded me how to. This was like physical therapy and dance and stretching all in one. You are offering something wonderful and I hope more people get to experience this.”

It was one of the most meaningful testimonials I’ve ever received, and it was in front of about twenty people who’d also been in the class. I’d listened so intently that I failed to breathe. She spoke passionately and boldly, showing that despite her diminutive frame and age, she had something important to say.

After the class-closing circle broke apart, we talked. She’d come in with stiff knees and a sore back, but was feeling better. I told her I was really glad to hear how she felt, and reminded her she could practice these movements anytime on her own. She pleaded with me to make Floor Flow something widely available because she believed it could help many people regain what was lost to time spent not moving enough. She also told me that she would like it if I used a microphone because she is hard of hearing. I told her that she was absolutely right, I should use a microphone whenever I can, and that I was really honored that she took my class. 

Glady’s comments affirmed my belief that Floor Flow is a movement experience that can accommodate and enrich the lives of a wide range of bodies. Moving in a way that helps preserve or restore ease of movement is clearly beneficial. But when the practice is also fun, creative, and immersive— and it promotes interpersonal, intergenerational connection through play— the potential benefits for everyone involved are compounded.

Moving without Thinking

Moving without Thinking

“Hey, Marlo, I just wanted to thank you.
That was the first time I’ve moved without thinking.”

‘Moving without thinking’ is a phrase commonly used to describe an experience in Flow state. In Flow, you are your most creative and confident. The voice of self-doubt quiets in this state of deep focus. While there are environmental conditions that make finding a Flow state more likely (like great lighting, or people you trust), entering a Flow state quickly and easily is something that can be trained.

My specialty is in creating experiences that foster Flow states and teaching how to lead others into Flow.

Learning Online

Learning Online

Have you ever bought any digital tutorials or courses? Or saved videos on Instagram, Facebook, or YouTube?
Chances are you grabbed them because wanted to remember and LEARN the material.

But, did work through them?

How has it been integrating what you learned into your dancing/living/teaching?

Or, are the videos collecting digital dust...waiting for you to give them a chance?

If you have gathered materials, especially if you PAID for those materials, but haven’t given them the attention you intended, how about getting out your calendar RIGHT NOW and booking yourself some self-learning time?

Creating Safe Space

Creating Safe Space

A reminder about your role in making others feel safe in class...

Last summer I took a workshop with Hannes Langolf at B12 Berlin that was both awesome and terrifying.

Some of the exercises, particularly the ones where we made loud, primal vocalizations one-at-a-time in front of the group of 40+, stirred up my insecurities. (Imagine yourself standing alone inside a circle of talented young dancers letting out your deepest moans trying intuitive howling for the first time.)

This is what Hannes said to encourage us:

National Book Lovers Day!

National Book Lovers Day!


Have you ever seen those videos of little dogs held over water where they start moving their legs like they’re swimming?

I do the same thing—when passing book stores. I start pawing the air and panting, excited at the sight of so many books to fondle. I’ve nearly missed a few flights because I was having too much fun in the airport book store. I’ve even warned others about my compulsion: "If we pass a book store...do NOT let me go in."

In celebration of Book Lovers Day, I’d like to share with you some of my all-time favorite books and recent reads.

A Few of My Favorite (Amazon) Things...

Want direct access to my top choices in books, footwear, travel supplies and more?

Check out my Amazon portal here and some of my picks below:

The Return of the FM YouTube Channel!

Before I really knew what Flow Movement was, I filmed floor and mobility tutorials in the basement of Body + Pole. The videos were posted on YouTube without much of a plan; I just wanted to share my work with more people, and the internet was the way to do that. 

Occasionally, people approach me and tell me that they’ve learned a lot from those videos or still use the content in their own teachings. I’m always surprised since I haven’t put tutorials there in years, but lately, I’ve been feeling called to post more on YT. Since I have a lot of unused footage (by “a lot”, I mean hours worth...let’s not talk about it), I’m starting to edit and voice over that material. 

Here are two recent uploads — the Basic Floor Flow Loop and a Spinal Wave Upgrade: