Scotland (July 2015)

Our first stop in Scotland, fresh from the airport in Aberdeen, was Slain's castle. The nice man at the car rental spot told us about it, knowing that we wanted to avoid tourists and take risks. We saw it from afar and became really excited. No one was there, and it was exactly the sate of ruin that we wanted. I dressed in the car because it was COLD. I mean painfully cold-- hands frozen/loss of motor control/ brain freeze/uncontrollable shivering cold. I can't even imagine a medieval winter there.

Climb mountain on all fours, continue climbing with swimming pools in your shoes as the rain pounds, make it to the top, do your best to stabilize an arm balance on rough volcanic rock in "blow you over" wind speeds = FUN AS F**K. Old Man of Storr on the Isle of Skye, Scotland, I love you.

I wanted to LIVE in this room of infinite galactic color changing sparkle lights at the Camera Obscura in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Photos by Pole Ninja Photography.