Primal Squats

Squats are one of the most basic movements of the human body. Primal squats with the knees and ankles together regularly improve the state of my knees and ankles. This is because developing control at the end range of joints (especially in positions essential to the health of the human body) creates balanced flexibility (and more potential do to cool things). Here I paired this exercise with alternating back shoulder rolls...and a wee bit of musicality.

Pants by Flow Movement.

Squats are one of the most basic movements of the human body. Primal squats with the knees and ankles together regularly improve the state of my knees and ankles. This is because developing control at the end range of joints (especially in positions essential to the health of the human body) creates balanced flexibility (and more potential do to cool things). Here I paired this exercise with alternating back shoulder rolls...and a wee bit of musicality. Pants by Flow Movement.

Posted by Flow Movement on Tuesday, April 14, 2015