Mirror Flow

I had just finished seven days of all-day teaching. After so much energy output, I always feel like I need to move for myself to recharge and reset. Becoming a couch vegetable does not work for me. I need foam roller time, floor time or nature time.

We were in a uniquely black dance studio and Ken put his camera on a tripod. We took turns doing some easy, full-song freestyles. He told me that the footage was super dark (which surprised me since the overhead lights were on), and that I was almost always in the far side of the frame (which is typical of me).

But—I didn’t really care since I was just enjoying the opportunity to move.

The other day, I asked if he had a way to brighten the clips. He replied with “I have an idea”. This is what he did. This video is an actual full-song freestyle with a few clips from other sessions layered in. We had no intentions of making this when we shot it, which makes it even more interesting. Enjoy.

Filmed and edited by Pole Ninja Photography.