3 Common Issues with the Brass Monkey Leg Hook

Years ago, while guest teaching a teachers-only class in a famous pole studio, I asked how comfortable/familiar they were with the Brass Monkey leg hook. After a two-second silence, one teacher said, “The Brass Monkey is ugly, so we don’t do it.” 😳

In a few seconds of wide-eyed speechlessness, I wondered if the group shared those feelings. If the group shared them, surely those sentiments were passed on to students. “Does their whole country feel this way? Is there an anti-brass monkey leg hook sub-set of the pole community I never knew about!?!?” I ruminated. 🤔

I recovered the best I could as determination to change that view grew inside of me. I plotted all of the (likely-to-be-judged-as-pretty) splitty shapes that involve a Brass Monkey I was now going to teach.🤭

I don’t know if I converted any anti-brass monkeyers that day, but I have met many other people who don’t use the Brass Monkey because they struggle to lock into it. Because it feels unsafe, they avoid it entirely.😕

In this video, I share three common struggles I’ve seen around the world— and some insight into a different approach. 🐒

To learn MUCH more about the Brass Monkey, including grounded entrances, upright entrances, inverted entrances, optimal alignment, rotational tips, aesthetic tips, exit options, and more, check out the Brass Monkey Helper pack .🐵

On a scale of 0-5, how does your brass monkey feel?
0 being, “Oh hell no, this is a terrible idea.”
5 being, “I eat my lunch in a brass monkey, let’s do all the crazy brass monkey things.”

Wearing @lunalaestore pole wear
Video @poleninjaphotography
Graphics @merbearnyc
#brassmonkey #aerialist