Seamless from the Start - A New Way to Learn Pole Dance Fluidity

At the start of 2020, when we were just starting to hear about COVID-19, I was in Sao Paulo, Brazil, teaching at Studio Metropole (Which, is like, the stuff pole dreams are made of. Take a look at this glorious place!)

I taught multiple beginner classes a week. After each, I'd huddle in the corner and notate what we did and how the students responded. "Hip circles three ways (energy way up), everlasting slide to the floor (eye-opening), pirouette variations (too much)...".

Though every studio environment is different, after teaching in 70 countries around the world to thousands of beginner-level students, I was already familiar with frequent beginner struggles like,

  • A lack of pulling and grip strength to do spins successfully;

  • Overly sweaty hands;

  • Frequent rib, wrist, elbow, and shoulder injuries from attempting things they don't yet have the capacity or control for--and from a misunderstanding of how to work safely with static pole.

My time at Studio Metropole allowed me to experiment with dance-based warm-ups with the pole--followed by very progressive material. Rather than cutting into the dance time with a lengthy "on-the-mat" prep at the start of class, we continually prepped for whatever came next so that the whole session just...flowed.

I know that beginners tend to like and grow from learning sequences--so as part of my continued quest for non-linearity, I taught skills and awareness through sequences--but always looping ones (which don't have a 'start' and 'end').

The results were incredible to watch. Students left class buoyant and empowered because their attention was on what they could do rather than what they couldn't do.

These classes were so impactful that I started building the material into an online course. But, I wanted to make sure that I was establishing a learning model, unlike anything else in existence.

I asked,

  • Can I design this with the spatial limitations of home training spaces in mind? Yes.

  • What if the warm-up and mobility work was integrated into the pole lesson itself-- saving time and improving your understanding of mindful progressions? Done.

  • What if, rather than learning through linear choreography or isolated tricks, you learned how to move through looping patterns that grow into longer sequences that cover weight shifts, turns, spinal articulations, and floorwork? Yep.

  • What if I can design an entire course that NEVER requires hanging from the arms, pulling-up, or even putting leg skin on the pole? Oh, this is different, yeah.

  • And what if you could learn how to play with the ingredients of captivating dance--texture, contrast, and sensuality--right from the beginning? Absolutely.

Seamless from the Start is a new online course that allows novice pole dancers to learn the details of fluidity through thoughtful sequencing.

But, it might also be for you if you are an experienced pole dancer who craves an opportunity to slow down and finally find your flow.

Save 50USD through 12/13/20 with code SEAMLESS.