Final project „Floor flow teacher training 2021/22“ – Nicole Poller
In my final project I want to present an online class I did with a student in June.
We have been having a 90 minutes class session working on different concepts and principles of floor flow.
This work will be handed in written format, as my student did not give me permission to publish videos of her but she is alright with me, sharing our session in a written way, using her direct feedback during class and feedback from afterwards in this work.
My student and I know each other personally and she was very interested to get an introduction to floor flow, as she never did it before.
I structured the class accordingly and in the first ten minutes we had an exchange about her expectations and how we will be going to work through the class, giving her a short introduction about concepts I prepared and the conceptual nature of the class.
Class structure:
1. Exchange and introduction
1.1 Expectations of the student
1.2 Introduction about class concepts
What is floor flow
Using the floor as an apparatus
Weight transfer management
Usage of active contact points
2. Practical part
2.1 Breathing while circling the ribcage
2.2 Leg swivel laying on back
2.3 Writhing
2.4 Contract and release in X-shape
2.5 Movement exploration 1
2.6 Movement exploration 2
1. Exchange and introduction
1.1 Expectations of the student
As mentioned above my student never before did floor flow. When I asked her about her expectations of the class, she told me that she imagined to do some exotic style floorwork, learning some tricks or a choreography. She did not have a particular goal in mind but exotic style floorwork was something she did before already.
1.2 Introduction about class concepts
After finding out about her expectations I explained how we will work through the class and that we will work conceptually going through a couple of exercises without learning a particular choreography or any tricks that she might know from her previous floorwork experiences. The class that I had prepared was mainly focused on proprioception and finding a mind-body connection moving through different exercises. I also told her that we are not necessarily following any particular aesthetics but focus more on how movement feels, is enjoyable, nourishing for the body and continuous.
What is floor flow
Floor flow is using floorwork as a movement medium for continuous movement and creative expression. It is a medium using conceptual movement work to reach a so called “flow state” (state of ideal movement and focus). Hereby creating loops can be used as a tool for continuous movement.
Useing the floor as an apparatus
The floor is used as an apparatus for continuous movement using contact points, forces, weight transfer and breath helping to reach embodied understanding of movement and movement patterns, such as loops or cued movement exercises. Hereby the floor can be approached using different concepts of movement, for example level changes, just to name one.
Weight transfer management
Weight transfer management is the foundation for smooth movement and achieving movement quality. During class exercises for weight transfer management were included.
Usage of active contact points
Different active contact points are used during movement and the mover is supposed to gain awareness about them to take advantage of them and find optimal usage. The most common active contact points are hands, feet and shoulders but also the hips, knees and sitbones can be contact points, although they are less active. During exploration of them, wondering and consciously experiencing where a movement is initiated from and leading to and how is it interacting with the contact points can help embodiment of them.
During class we explored contact points, breathing, weight transfer, proprioception, continuous movement, initiation of movement and connected forces.
We moved through every exercise in between 5 to minutes and had a short exchange after every exercise.
2. Practical part
2.1 Breathing while circling the ribcage
Movement goals:
Conscious access to breathing patterns
Observing weight transfer on contact points while circling
Releasing spine
Finding “sticky points” and move with/into them
Connecting mind and body
Introducing movement intention
Exploring proprioception
Cues during movement:
Close your eyes and tune into your body by starting with feeling the contact points with the floor (imagine sitting on a glass table observing your body from below), moving upwards through your body.
Conciously feel your breath as you start circling your ribcage. Circle the ribcage over your hips and find a breathing pattern that feels good and allows yourself to keep on circling.
If you find some sticky points in your back, how do you feel about it? Can you stay there and use your breath to find ease in them?
Add headcircles and allow your shoulders to join the circle.
Lean forward and bring your hands on the floor while you continue circling and observe the weight transfer happening and how that influences your circling motion.
Come back to an upright position and continue circling until you slowly come to an end.
Stay with yourself for a moment and feel your body again from the bottom up.
Feedback student:
The exercise put my attention to the sticky points in my back muscles, especially on the right side. I feel them loosened up a bit now. While circling I felt a tickling sensation in my stomach which I found to be enjoyable. When I changed the amplitude and the weight transfer I felt like flowing through the movement in a harmonic, self-connected way. I would describe it as “back to the roots” arriving in my body, finding myself in it and experience expansion in it. I really enjoyed the exercise and it felt like a little journey for me.
2.2 Leg swivel laying on back
Movement goals:
Observing weight transfer
Loosening up hips
Experimenting with initiation of movement from different body parts
Observing points of contact
Cues during movement:
Go on your back with your legs bent and feet standing on the floor.
Start with allowing your knees falling to the left and to the right.
When you feel ready swing your upper leg to the side. You can keep your legs bent or extend them.
Move slowly and observe the contact points of your body.
Imagine having heavy weights attached to your knees and the pull your knees towards the ground before you swing the upper leg. Your knees are initiating the movement.
Keep on swinging but now allow your hip initiating the movement. Feel the change in your body
Imagine your whole body to be super loose and observe how this changes your experience.
Allow your shoulders to follow your movement.
Press your shoulders into the floor including your arms and observe how this changes your movement.
Feedback Student:
Depending on the initiation of the movement I felt a big difference in my ability to move and to swing my legs. Imagining heavy weights on my knees and following that impulse changed how my body was connected to the floor – it became bigger. Keeping my shoulders on the floor I felt restricted in my movements. When I increased the amplitudes of the swings I felt it to be relieving.
It was interesting to feel into my body and movement in such a conscious and attentive way. The longer I was swinging my legs, the more ease I felt in my body.
2.3 Writhing (feet gripping floor initiation from feet)
Movement goals:
Observing physical tensions
Softening tissues
Conscious tensioning and loosening
Cues during movement:
Extend your arms and legs on the floor and imagine seing yourself from the ceiling having your body forming an x shape.
Scan the contact points of your body on the floor.
Bring your attention to your feet. Grip your heels into the floor and start pointing and flexing them.
Allow the rest of your body to loosen up and follow the movement of your feet.
Stop the movement of your feet and tense your whole body, stay like this for a deep breath and when you breathy out, relax all the tensioned muscles allowing yourself to melt into the floor like dripping honey. Do this 2 or 3 more times.
Go back to the writhing motion with all your muscles loosened up.
Experiment with fast small movements vs big and slow movements and feel into the reactions of your body.
Feedback Student:
I noticed being in the x-shape that my contact points felt way more present on the left side. They felt huge. And the end of the exercise I felt it was balanced and I felt little modifications helped a lot.
At the end of the exercise my feet felt very good doing the writhing and my body could follow with way more ease and it felt relaxing as I didn’t feel that I have to use a lot of effort.
When I loosened up my muscles I really perceived the floor as soft and welcoming. I felt embraced by it.
2.4 Contract and release in X-shape
Movement goals:
Breathing through movement
Experimenting with alternating breathing patterns
Using breath as support for movement
Observing and perceiving weight transfer and shift of contact points
Cues during movement:
Find an x-shape that feels comfortable and decide in which direction to start. If you start going towards the left side, pull your left knee and elbow towards each other imagining they want to touch each other.
Let your right arm swivel over your head wanting to meet the left arm and let your right leg just follow your hip going towards the left until you are in an embryo like position.
Come back into your x shape the same way you came and then move towards the right side the same way.
Feel into your contact points while moving and try to make them peel of the floor while moving, making it as smooth as you can.
Adapt your breath to your movement and contract while breathing out and expand while breathing in. Allow your breath to support your movement and find ease in it.
Alternate the breath and observe how it changes your movement and feeling about it.
Feedback Student:
In the beginning I felt my movement being chaotic but when I allowed my breath to lead me it felt way more natural and intuitive. I became curious about where the movement is leading me to. The more I allowed myself to follow it intuitively I started feeling a releasing sensation in my upper back. I felt like my hips held me from moving smoothly.
I want to explore this movement more.
2.5 Movement exploration 1
Moving through song keeping the hands on the floor all the time
Movement goals:
Finding pathways
Exploring own ranges of motion
Exploring movement patterns
Cues during movement:
Move for one song keeping your hands on the floor the whole time.
You can use them to explore the floor, they can help you to push or you can grip them in the floor to help dragging you. You can let them follow your movement and really feel free to move in an intuitive way just following the prompt to keep your hands on the floor. You can also put your focus on your weight transfers and other contact points than your hands.
Feedback Student:
I enjoyed to have had so much room for exploration. I would have like to move longer because I really enjoyed moving like that. Towards the end I became more and more intuitive. I think I will do this exercise more often
2.6 Movement exploration 2
level changes with prompting movement initiation
Movement goal:
Switching in between contact points
Conscious initiation of movement
Cues during movement:
Find yourself a position on the floor you would like to start with.
Tune into the music and the vibe and start moving in your starting position.
Initiate movement the next time you find it suitable from your head.
Initiate a level change starting with your head and continue initiating the following movements having your head leading.
When it suits your flow, initiate the next movements with your arms and also initiate level changes lead by your arms and continue moving.
When it suits you initiate the next movements with your feet and also do so with the level changes.
When you feel ready initiate your next movements with your hips and als try to find level changes lead by your hips.
End your movement practice laying on your back on the floor and feel into your body.
Feedback student:
I felt kind of “out of space” doing the practice and changing the initiation of the movement and levels from time to time. I found myself kind of stuck in some positions but just went back the way I came and tried something else. I was really focused on myself and was surprised when the song was over. I feel really nourished now. It was like a journey to myself
Around two weeks after our session my student contacted me to give me some feedback about how she felt after class. She told me that directly after the class she felt her body to be very soft and her senses felt sharpened.
Also she felt happy and glad that we did the session. She especially pointed out how relieved she felt physically and mentally after the session and let me know that even in the following two weeks she felt strong “endorphin rushes” going through her body energizing her. She described the feeling like a tickling sensation flushing her body in a very pleasant way and said that sometimes, after raves, she felt like this, after she spent the whole night dancing to music and with people that she really enjoyed. She told me that it was like an intense hormone rush giving her an after glow.
“It was like riding a wave for 2 weeks in a row and I am really wondering how this works releasing these hormones and sensations just from moving and deeply connecting with the body.”