Vesna Marjanovic Loop Description
1. What are the easy-to-remember ingredients of your loop? (this could be movements/actions/images)
- Fetus
- X on stomach
- Kneels
- Cobra waves
- Thread to fetus
2. Describe your process. How did you choose the parts? How was your experience leading up to filming this? What did you need to do to get in the right state of body/mind/spirit to Flow?
The initial idea was to merge some of the elements done at FFTT with regular movements during exercise classes, such as Hip Bridge, Cobra. During the experimentation phase, I added hands and feet on the floor and experimented with rolling from side to the back or to the stomach.
When I was on the stomach doing the knee "steps", firstly I massaged the hips and the pelvic floor through those motions. Later, I imagined the water beneath me, so it moved while I was holding (couldn't sink ;)
I did a lot of it visualizing. Even though I give classes in person, and online as well, for some reason I had an issue with the camera and being recorded for this so it took me a lot of time to get in front of the camera. I did the filming plenty of times.
I can say I was pretty relaxed although I have been watchfull to the space and things around me, as well as the camera view.
3. What felt good ( or provided a healthy challenge) in this loop video experience?
The thing that I filmed this is a real step forward for me. I ate that frog finally.
4. If there is ONE thing that you would do differently, what is it?
I would like it to be more fluid.
5. What did you learn from this experience that you will apply to your own training or teaching?
Relaxation, connection with the floor. And slowness, to do the movements slowly and connect with them.