2A. The video has audio and some music.
1. It took me some time to figure out how to combine 2 things that I’m passionate about while creating a floorwork flow experience. I am a professor (I like to teach Art history, History, Anthropology, Languages) and I love to dance because dancing for me is healing. I wanted to add my experience as a classroom professor to movement training. So, I choose to do a floorwork flow that maybe looks like the ones I experienced within the FFTT but I added some “practice of theory” during it. I choose a method were I would guide the person to find a movement that can recall what they just have learned from a theory explained before the practice. And by doing this, it can help them to understand it and maybe remember it too. The participant already knows the theory (this part is not in the video). The participant is a heavy over thinker (like me) so I took into consideration this and I added some colors in the lights (blue and green) and aromas (essential oils- lavender, clary sage) to help him relax so he could enjoy it more.
2. It felt good to remember this was my own project and that I will put my signature on it so the creativity rise helping me being more secured about myself too.
3. I think my project offers to the participant tools to comprehend a topic and to access a flow state while learning.
4. I would add more time because it felt those 22 minutes were too fast and the flow state was “just getting there”.
5. I learn to do more things spontaneously so the flow state feels more natural, for me and for the participant.
2C. Summary
I did a short floorwork flow instruction using some concepts from the Pangea theory of continental drift (our continents move slowly relative to one another). In this video I’m guiding the participant first into a short breathing exercise that would be follow by movements that evoke this theory’s concepts and help him to unwind all along the process. I added some aromatherapy and chromotherapy too.
Translation Floorflow Project:
Flor the start, please come into a crosslegged seat on your mat. Close your eyes, if you like, bring your hands onto your thighs and arrive on your mat.
Feel how your pelvis is sinking into the ground and your spine is erecting.
Bring your attention to your breath. Feel like the breath is flowing in through your nose and your belly is expanding and flattening while exhaling.
When you’re ready bring your hands onto your belly and send your breath into your hands. Let your hands glide onto the sides of your body and send the breath into your hands again. Bring your hands onto your back and send the breath into your hands again.
Take 2 more breaths. Feel like your lower abdomen and back are expanding and flattening with your breath.
Then let your and hands go, bring them together and start to rub the palms together, let them warm up. Rub the fingers into eachother.
Then stroke over your face, the eye brows and the temples downwards in direction of the yaw. Stroke the ears, the sides, the head. Circling or stroking motion-whats suits you best. Move downwards to your neck and knead these muscles.
Let your hands sink down and with the next breath straighten your legs.
And the start Pandiculating like you just woke up from sleep. Yawning is fine. And let go. And repeat, let go. Again, and at the end of letting go come down onto your back.
And then start with bringing your toes in direction of your shins and away, so that you come into a rocking motion. No, keep your legs straight. You just flex your feet and point. And you will notice that a rocking motion will start, if you flex and point both feet at the same time. A motion like someone is rocking you on a swing. If it feels good you can increase the speed. Great.
Does is feel good? Then please roll over onto one side. Lower leg is straight, upper leg bent and then come back into the rocking motion- I use the knee to generate the rocking. I press the knee into the floor and let go. I feel the most rocking in my pelvis area.
Sophia: Sideways?
Me: Yes. I enjoy that rocking, because it loosens up my pelvic area. But some people don’t feel comfortable with it. That’s why I asked if the rocking feels good to you.
THen let the motion swing out and start with circling your upper hip. Like a steam locomotive. These circles can start very small. And if it feels good you can increase the motion.
Then change the direction.
When you are ready come back into stillness. Rotate your upper knee in direction of the ceiling, bent the other leg and come onto your back. You can bring your feet to the floor.
Let the leg that was the upper leg fall to the other side.
Sophia: The upper leg?
Me: Your left leg. Let it fall to your left. You will come into butterfly pose like in a yoga class. You drag your left leg to the other side and open the legs, so that the knees falls to either side.
Sophia: Ah, ok.
Me: The left leg rotates externally and internally while your toes are sliding on the ground. So that your hip gets mobilized. Just stay in a feel-good- range of motion. 2 are times. And then stop in the open leg position. Drag your right leg over, so that you land in the bent leg position on the other side for the rocking. You don’t need to turn, you can do it from the camera away- ah ok.
The upper leg is bent, lower leg is straight. Come back into the rocking. NIce. Then start with the upper hips circles. It looks like you have some motion in your spine too, that’s fine.
Charge direction.
Bent the lower leg and open the upper leg to the other side. And start with the external- internal slide movement.
Stop in the middle. Start tilting your pelvis anteriorly and posteriorly. You don’t need to lift the hips away, just tilt.
Then tilt the hips left and right. Like you are doing a slight side bend. It is a pendulum movement, but this time sideways.
Sophia: Does the lower spine stay on the ground?
Me: Not necessarily. There is a natural curve in your lower back and your should not press the lower back into the ground for this moves. I have a small curve there. We don’t do legs in the air- abs workout. So it’ s fine.
And then bring these sidebands into an infinity symbol-like move. Like drawing 8 onto the floor with your hips.
This moves can be small, or as big as it feels good for you. Mine were quite small when I did this the first time. When you increase the range of the movement, feel into your body: how much of your spine is following the moves?
Come back to your Pelvis and start circling your hips. Draw circles with your hips. My butt is lifting a few centimeters, but think about hips circles like when your standing. You just changed to the floor.
Let the circles move upwards and start circling your chest. You will have a gap in your lower back, it will be bigger now with the chest movement.
Take your left arm up and start making waves with your arm. Does is work with your headphones?
The next time you will stop in the centre and go back to your hips circles. I think you need to circle right now.
Sophia: Yes, I think so too.
Me: Let the circles travel towards the Thoracic Spine. Nice. Then take the right arm and come back into the wave movement with your arm. Great. Stop in the middle after the next wave.
Bring some weight into your legs and start shaking our hips. Let your hips drop into the floor a few times, if this feels good. And then we are finished for today.