Melina Cortés Figueroa - Loop

Part IB- Loop


1.     The actions of my loop are starting a seated position over the knees and then sliding to the side with one knee bent and stretching both legs to turn the belly towards the floor. Then turning to the back and returning to a seated position with one leg stretched the other one bend and back to the seated position over the knees to restart the loop. In summary: seated (closed) + stretching towards the side (opening) with the legs and arms + full body on the floor  (embracing it) using all the points of contact.

2.     I choose those parts because I tried a few times the loop and those were the ones who I kept repeating in a comfortable way. The head was leading more that the other parts of the body. I tried to dance in the floor a few times before recording the video so I wait until I felt it natural. The music was important to set the right state to help me experience the flow.

3.     It felt very good when the full body was on the floor and the impulse of letting the leg and head points towards any side.

4.     I think I will use another clothing next time because I felt a bit tight with it during some of the movements.

5.     I learn to experience first simple movements on the floor and to enjoy slow versions of the movement. Also to not be so focused on how it looks but on how it feels.