1 . What are the easy-to remember ingredients of your loop? (this could be movements/actions/images)
Laying on the ground
Pandiculation, twist on the side
Rolling in closed position to X shape
2. Describe your process. How did you choose the parts? How was your experience leading up to filming this? What did you need to do to get in the right state of body/mind/spirit to Flow?
It is something I did in my daily 5 minutes Floor Flow
It’s a kind of recovery time and it’s refreshing mind.
It allows me “to oil my joints” and to give what my body crave (pandiculation, twist, hips mobility, softness)
3. What felt good ( or provided a healthy challenge) in this loop video experience?
Taking time to connect on the ground to my body and to progress slowly and mindfully to more movements
4. If there is ONE thing that you would do differently, what is it?
Adding more hips mobility or spinal waves
5. What did you learn from this experience that you will apply to your own training or teaching?
I made it very easy and progressive.
It let me enjoy sensation and big movements