Project Topic: Bringing FLOW to yoga classes
Using gateway practices in Yoga classes to help people arrive and regulate their nervous system before teaching the yoga sequences. For the actual sequencing part, I played with the option of taking a well known yoga flow (such as a sun salutation A or B) as most are aware of what the components are and letting them FLOW and vary their pace, intensity, speed through that. I didn’t explore the distance option in this video (I forgot :D). The other option was to teach a 3 component loop as we did in the training and use that as a base for moving, with a focus on breath, active contact points, varying the distances, depth and noticing the weight transfer.
3B. Written Overview of Your Process:
1. Describe your process. Why did you choose your project? Why did you choose this method for sharing it?
I initially wanted to explore the 3 component teaching as a learning mechanism. Due to time constraint I couldn’t do justice to that project. So I took the same concept and applied it on a yoga class setting. I choose this because I have been a yoga teacher who likes teaching creative sequences which can be something hard to pick up for others. I felt this could give me a framework to work everytime I have to teach a new sequence and help folks LAND in their body.
2.. What felt good (or provided a healthy challenge) in creating this project?
Doing a well known yoga sequence (I have done a LYT yoga training which is very neutral based, dont move your spine much and posture is everything is their motto) and making it fluid and flowy felt amazing.
3. What do you think your project offers the viewer/participat? (Tools for accessing a Flow state, more awareness of the floor, etc. )
This would give an overview of the concepts I have tried to incorporate floor flow teaching tools in a yoga class setting.
4. If there is ONE thing that you would do differently, what is it?
I would have liked to teach a full class based on this demo and then report on the experience. Might do that for the next testing session.
5. What did you learn from this experience that you will apply to your own training or teaching?
That I can take anything from anywhere and make my movement whatever I want it to be. I respect the rules of different movement practices such as yoga but I don’t have to fully adhere to the same standards that haven’t evolved since ages. an
3C. 1-3 Sentence Summary of your project.
The project demoes a brief showcase of how the floor flow teaching principles can be incorporated in a yoga class setting, while keeping the familiarity aspect but also elevating their FLOW experience.