Jillian Frayne - Loop

1. What are the easy-to-remember ingredients of your loop? (this could be movements/actions/images)

Side Slide (Lengthening through side body)

Weight transfer

Shoulder roll

Bring the Breathe…exhale


2. Describe your process. How did you choose the parts? How was your experience leading up to filming this? What did you need to do to get in the right state of body/mind/spirit to Flow?


I feel like these parts chose me. In each session where I have gotten to the floor and actually recorded myself, the pathway to these parts gradually opened up. I feel I needed the right music to assist me to get in the right state to flow slowly and consistently.


3. What felt good ( or provided a healthy challenge) in this loop video experience? 


I feel like the found the wave in this loop. Using the breath helped me to sense more and as a result my movement quality changed. My movement was slow and consistent (for the most part). I felt as I was moving from sleepy to alert as I transitioned between side slide through shoulder roll.


4. If there is ONE thing that you would do differently, what is it?

I wouldn’t do anything different in this loop, I really enjoyed it, it challenged me and felt good in my body.


5. What did you learn from this experience that you will apply to your own training or teaching?

I realise that I need to slow down in my movement, so that, I can actually gain a holistic sense of what part of my body is doing what movement at a given moment and what comes next. This is key learning for me in going from awkward to getting really comfortable with the floor as a tool to experience my body and its movement patterns.