The conditioning exercises and techniques learned on the IRC:
After working properly on my chin-ups, Squats and Spine flossing, I can flow easier throughout the movements. SPINE FLOSSING helped me to understand how to move the different sections of the spine independently (seen in this video in the climb position). CHIN-UP was the clue in the second part of the sequence where Scapula retraction was combined with shoulder elevation to give a floating effect and facilitate the Lombard spine wave movement.
ILH/OLH - My aero invert feels completely different and effortless after applying the IRC technique I learned in this program. The second invert makes it even clearer how the waist contact on the pole contributes to easy knee placement on the pole with no need for adjustment. The last part of the sequence is also my absolute favorite leg hang the “Brass Monkey.” Ironically, the Brass Monkey hang is one of my biggest struggles. For this reason, the Brass Monkey hang was my first choice for my IRC final project. I am a work in progress and there is so much I still have to do, but overall, I feel that I accomplished a lot and am happy the way that my movements look and feel after the IRC mentorship.
February-August 2022.