How did it look feel/function before?
Inverts/Leg Hangs: My inverts feel strong. I had to really focus on the basics of inverting when I started aerial pole. With the added risk of a floating, spinning pole, I slowed down my invert and worked to clean it up. That strength translated to a regular pole, and I have really enjoyed the power of the basic invert.
Pull up: My left shoulder has had a hitch in my pull up since I can remember. I stopped doing pull ups and slowly progressed back into them a few years ago to try to establish a smoother movement range. The break caused me to lose much of my strength, as I was able to do 12-15, and now I am down to 3. Good thing I don’t really ever need to do 12 pull ups.
How does it look/feel/function now?
Inverts/Leg Hangs: Invert Ready has given me tools to keep my invert strong without having to constantly drill inverts. My shoulder mounts are getting easier. I still don’t have a consistent aerial shoulder mount – I have a surgical history that makes this trick extra scary for me – but I hope that I will keep up my should mount skills and create ease through practice.
Pull up: While the hitch is still slightly visible, I feel stable. I have regressed to 1-2 strict pull ups at a time. I hang all the time. And I often do pull ups with the assistance of a band to make sure that my range of motion is supported when completing more reps. I feel more confident in fiddling with hanging and pulling up for the sake of fun, rather than strict demonstration of movement.
What’s changed?
Inverts/Leg Hangs: Before Invert Ready, inverts were typically a means to an end. I teach upper-level classes, and don’t usually focus on the invert – it is expected that students know how to invert. However, during this training, I intentionally focused on the skill, as well as the smaller skills that build to a strong invert. The creative drills and focus on the invert have helped me to break inverts down and bring attention to a skill I felt like I had mastered.
Pull ups: My mindset has changed the most. As a gym owner, I felt as though I had to master technical movements like pullups. Now, I feel much more free to play and tinker. I actually don’t care at all how many pull ups I can do – I care that they feel good to do and that I am paying attention to my body.