Previously my inverts had a lot of momentum and minimal upper body engagement. I'm
relatively flexible so I'd use a leg swing to help get my leg up, grab the pole and then do
a lot of adjusting to be in crucifix. Going into chopper wasn't a thing unless I used
momentum to hit a v quickly and then land in crucifix. Now, I'm still working to break bad
habits but I can feel my arms doing more work, mainly from our "ketchup packet"
squeezing practice and pullups. I'm working towards less momentum with the "rocking"
method and I am working chopper in waist hold. Currently I really want to lift both legs
off the ground in waist hold and am using a band for support. This has been super
helpful for the underbutt squeeze, tilting and using arms properly. I was on a lighter
band pre-covid/pneumonia but these videos were taken as I was working my strength
back up.
Before, I could only get into outside leghang from the crucifix I previously mentioned.
After crucifix I would bend my outside leg down, it worked alright but definitely not fluid
or pretty. I am using momentum now and it was very helpful to think of aiming my leg
past the pole so I could hook with minimal or no adjusting. I also have been working on
letting my head go back versus being in a state of flexion for both OLH and inverts.
I have always had a weird way to get into an inside leg hang. I would invert, go to
butterfly and then flatline Scorpio to go to a ILH and that was the only way. Now, I'm
trying to do the leg swing from outside into it and it feels better but as we see I'm still
learning trust with myself to let go of that hand on ground. Plus side I'm avoiding having
the pole in my ribs now which was a huge reason I didn’t enjoy ILH.
Chin Up
I really didn't train these previously at all. While this is a work in progress, there's a huge
improvement from one, poor formed pullup to a few okay ones with help of a band.
Pre-covid I was on the pink band but have been regaining strength. While there's work
needed like elbows closer in, I'm happy I can pull off 2-3 and feel relatively strong and
aware of what my arms are doing. Previously I would have the awareness I'm moving
my arms to pull up but had a disconnect from what my muscles were doing and why.
Now I'm conscious where elbows are pointing, what the spine is doing and how I'm