How did it look/feel/function before?
Unfortunately I didn’t think to specifically film before videos of any of this so I really only have the after to show. However I can say that while I have been inverting competently for years, I never really had much awareness of what my spine was doing during the whole process or what to do if I wanted to change that.
How does it look/feel/function now?
I think I have more length through my upper body and more freedom of movement in, through, and out of the various inverted positions. I also can more consistently invert one-handed as opposed to that being something that only happened on the very best of pole days. I feel stronger and more fluid.
What’s changed?
Body awareness! Seriously that was the absolute biggest takeaway that I personally got from this program. I am not naturally very aware of where I am in space (I have a few sensory processing issues that make this challenging), but the awareness practice in this program specifically for the breath and the spine allowed me to tap in to my movement in a much more connected way. Before I felt like when I would dance I would often disconnect from my body in a way that made it hard to even be sure what I did moments after I stopped. I don’t experience this nearly as much now. Movement feels more embodied overall.