Part 2 : Final Project FFTT 2022
2C. Summary of my project.
This is a short floor flow introduction in French for 3 of my yoga students. I have provided some subtitles to allow for non-French speakers to be able to follow the session.
2B. Written Overviw of your Process :
1. Describe your process. How did you choose your project ? Why did you choose this method ?
I chose to lead a few of my friends and yoga students through a guided sequence because I wanted the experience of applying what we have done during the FFTT to my context (I live in the countryside in Central Brittany, France. I wanted to share the experience of what floor flow could feel like with the participants so that they could better understand for themselves.
2. What felt good (or provided a healthy challenge) in creating this project ?
I live in France and I generally teach in French. Although I have lived here for 20 years, I am not a native French speaker. I wanted the experience of transferring Floor Flow practices that have been learnt in English into French.
I teach yoga and voice and have been wanting to teach differently for a long time by giving people gateways to their creativity as well as their inner voices and landscapes.
3. What do you think your project offers the viewer/participant ?
Slow movement that feels good
A too rare occasion to move freely
Connecting with one’s own flow processus
I had very good feedback from my participants. They had never experienced this type of movement class and were very enthusiastic afterwards.
One person said that it should be an opening daily practice in professional dance schools.
Another, a school teacher, later told me that she had later taught the loop to her pre-school students and that the kids wholeheartedly took to the ideas (being a starfish, curling up in a ball on their side like a seed, etc.). She now is eager to have more movement ideas to pass onto them.
4. If there is ONE thing that you would do differently, what is it ?
Let my participants explore for longer – I was worried about them being bored and of keeping the session short so I didn’t let the exploration time go on for too long.
5. What did you learn from this experience that you will apply to your own training or teaching ?
A teacher training it just the beginning of another journey that takes us towards new and unknown horizons.
Simple movement propositions afford us greater autonomy.
Simplicity allows for clarity and helps one access their creativity more easily.
Cueing and word choice are paramount in the way they affect people’s movement. I think it is an art form in itself and well worth investing time and thought in.
The importance of varying the tone of one’s voice throughout a session to keep peoples’ attention engaged.
Vacuum before a FF class !
Moving on the floor gives us feelings of freedom, relaxation, weightlessness…