1) stand - sit V - lay down - sit V - stand.
2) i didn’t knew what parts i was going to use until i was there filming. I only had in my mind: keep it simple and do your best. Since i came from weeks of diferent medical treatments that doesn’t allow me to freely move, I choose to let the expectations out.
I was lucky and had that space, not big but also not tiny, and bigger than what i use to have available, so while moving i felt relax enough to not think about how it will look, it felt flowy, soft, relaxing. The moment where it was dificult not to think was when i tried to make it harder.
Just starting, contacting with my body, ifound a space and a sense of peace and trust, that allows me to get in flow, and start having fun, that it was new to me, that makes me think that i never really flow before, and open more curiosity to keep going.
3) the floor, my body sliding on it, felt so good, and the challenge of being present in the moment, to not fly away with my mind, which usually take me to judge me. Instead the movement and keep some moments to balance in one point and make turns, was fun and keeps me out of it.
4) breath more, expand more, look more of what my body say, in some moments i just follow what i thought i had to do. Also read better, i only did 2 min because i thought that was the max time.
5) trust me, trust bodies, more. I found my self doundting a lot when movement start to be a challenge, specially in the background and got distracted.
This time i got a strong sense of how the space and the type of floor affects the movement and the ease of been present.