Katarina Gasparovic - Loop

FFTT LOOP written overview

My “final loop” discovery and filming process turned out to be another lesson on how to let go of expectations and simply enjoy moving. It is something I have relearned over and over.

It took me a while to settle on a loop, I knew I wanted a simple loop with positions which I enjoy and use in my movement practice but also wanted to include something that I started to explore more because of our floor flow training. So, I opted for tabletop, straddle sit and a hip bridge.

The goal was to transition through these positions in a way that allows my body to feel good and to let my body lead the movement. Another goal was to do some exploring of pathways and to slowly progress the loop. All this while keeping in mind a few of the things we learned during the training like paying attention to contact points, letting the floor hold me and letting it be easier.

I filmed it a bunch of times during a period of a few weeks, and I wasn’t feeling it. I was in my head, worrying about silly things like if I’m flowy enough, did I manage to progress the loop, am I demonstrating anything I learned during the FFTT…I was even asking myself if my demonstration of the loop is too dancey (whatever that means), which makes me laugh now.

I was rewatching all my loop attempt videos and decided to give it another go, so I filmed one more time. This was the one I decided to upload and share because it is the one during which I felt relaxed, the movement was very enjoyable, and the song kept me going and flowing. I didn’t think too much, I just did it and it felt good.

Being familiar with the loop and loving how the song moved me helped me achieve the flow state. And of course, letting go of expectations, trusting my body and enjoying the sensations rather than thinking about how it will look.

If there was something I would do differently, it would be focusing more on my breath because I tend to neglect this important part of movement. I would also try to go easy on myself.

For me valuable lessons from this process are learning to calm my mind, focusing more on feeling the movement and reminding myself to just keep going when something unsettles me. I am also inspired to play with the same loop more! I tend to lose focus quickly, so this process of exploring the same loop over and over reminded me that it can be interesting and insightful to give yourself time to go over the same things. There will always be something new to discover when you slow down and pay attention.