Jinghan Liu - Loop

Loop Written Overview 

What are the easy-to-remember ingredients of your loop?

1.     Prone OR elevated prone – quadrupedal position or elevated quadrupedal position or downward facing dog

2.     Threading one leg to the opposite side and sit down into a twisted V sit

3.     Untwist upper body into a square V sit

4.     Twisted V sit on the other side (mirror of 2)

5.     Back to #1

Describe your process. How did you choose the parts? How was your experience leading up to filming this? What did you need to do to get in the right state of body/mind/spirit to Flow?

I chose these parts because I realized that I don't tend to incorporate the element of “twisting” in my movement so I want to challenge myself to do it more. I also chose positions that would give me freedom to progress if needed – e.g. options to lift my pelvis up, lift my leg up, etc. Finally, I chose these positions to avoid “left vs. right” cuing in my own head – want to focus more on circular motion.

Thinking was actually quite exhausting and I had to literally sit down on the floor, start moving, and things kind of came together.  I also did this several times and while every time the experience was different, it became easier to Flow after a couple of rounds.

What felt good (or provided a healthy challenge) in this loop video experience?

            Being connected to the floor and feeling my breaths

            Adding circles and waves into the shapes

Closing my eyes from time to time and forget about the looks and focus on the sensations.

If there is ONE thing that you would do differently, what is it?

I would make myself move even more slowly.

What did you learn from this experience that you will apply to your own training or teaching?

I also used this as a pattern breaking exercise – focusing on reversing the loop - especially imagine someone else saying “reverse” at unexpected times. I’d definitely love to play with this concept more in both my own training and teaching.