Amy Oostveen - Final Project

1.)   What are the easy ingredients to remember in your loop?

-       Sit, Squat, Stand

2.)   Describe your process.

-       I wanted my students to be able to navigate through these three “moves” and show them how they can be slinky and sweepy and flowy and movey. I chose these three moves because they sound very static and I think, in general students might think of them as “there is no way you can slink these moves”……..we rocked, we started slow and I progressed them in a way that I would normally do over a few different classes but I wanted to show the elevation to these movements and my teaching so we did it all in 22 minutes!

3.)   What felt good?

-       It was awesome to experience how different these could all go together. For me, I loved it. I could tell with my students that there were definitely parts of it that they were like “huh”? and that their bodies were completely challenged by. We always have the challenge of poles in our rooms – boo!!!!! It’s tough to really get into that Flow State because of this. We were all super warm by the end of this though and all of my students mentioned how prepared their muscles felt – even for our advanced tricks! To me, this tells me we were pushing, pressing, pulling, grabbing and engaging!

4.)   What would I do differently?

-       I think next time, I will prep them a little bit more on the process by giving them a meditation warm up and having them visualize their bodies relaxing and giving some touch cues that we have done in this training.

5.)   What did I learn that I will apply?

-       This was my first time ever teaching anything like this. I realized that I need to keep focusing on moving slower so my students will move slower. It’s different to teach it. I think I could have softened my voice more and slowed them down more.


What did I do and why should anyone watch this?

-       Yikes! Should anyone watch this? Lol. This was my first time teaching this type of movement in class. This type of movement is definitely needed for me to explore more and I think as I explore more, I will have more to offer to my students. I do love this final project video because it shows all different types of experienced students and even me as an inexperienced teacher of this type of movement, exploring and trying and learning.