Part 1B Description of flow
1) Written Overview of my loop The Ingredients:
Both hands are in contact with floor creating a push and a pull and somewhat of a sideways spinal wave. One leg kneeling or lying on the floor (on the side) – sweeping and swooshing of the other leg in front and back. The sweeping and swooshing will help induce a turn and then the other leg is sweeping and swooshing.
When lying down on the side one hand is in a “hand sandwich” the other hands palm and fingers are in contact with the floor. Depending on how much push through the “handsandwich” the booty can move upwards (can be seen in the video in the end).
Focus on sweeping and breathing- og saying “mmhhhmmm sound”. Music as an ingredient is Forndom “resan”, which means “the travel”.
The process, what felt good, one thing I would change and what did I learn:
I chose the parts because I wanted to do a loop that I could use to get into a flow feeling, and sweeping, pushing/pulling with my hands is a go-to movement to get this “mmmhhhhmmm” feeling for me. Also I had already done some work on my final project which had a focus on “warmup/welcome”. I had been thinking “Is there such a thing, as a loop that sometimes can be turned into flowy, flowfeeling like state for me and can I change the loop to be a warmup floor thing with a possibility for people to get a feeling of presence or at least connection to the floor?” I have done the loop in my house, at the pole-studio where I teach, alone in a fitnesscenter, with a personal trainer and with my Zoom FFTT group. It worked.
If I were to do ONE thing differently I would have said my mantra out loud right before everytime I did the loop and before filming. My mantra is: “I/you have a good body, it can do many things”, and then just let my body go into the loop.
Lessons learned. Well, I am a scientist and I know that quantum theory has demonstrated that observation affects reality, so people are also affected by a camera or a person watching them. This is also why I had to film it so many times – I knew I was being watched, so in my teaching I will from now on try to have periods of “non-watching” and “not knowing” because it might benefit people in the room.