Anietie Ukpe-Wallace - Loop

  1. What are the easy to remember ingredients of my loop? The easy to remember parts of my loop was the aspect of fluidity for me, there were lots of circling occurring in all three parts of the loop. Even though there was a fluidness to the movement, there was a pushing action into the floor in all three, some were subtle like in the first movement of the loop and others more apparent like in the other two movements.

  2. Describe my process. I started playing with this loop about a month ago and started experiencing some changes in my body and energy. I wanted to move, but didn’t have the full energy that I wanted. I was feeling stiff as well since I hadn't been moving much and the circling felt calming for me and just the little bit of pressing my toes or hands into the ground felt grounding but also effort and strength that I was lacking, but my body was craving. I continued to play with the movement every now and again and as my energy level crept back up, this was still a nice loop to come back to to help me get back in my body and then was able to play with more tension or pushing into the ground. Beacuise of of the effect of the circling, I did not feel a need to speed up the movement as I really enjoyed the slowness and amount of time I could spend exploring but enjoyed playing with progressions and tensions. I felt that when I completed this flow that I recorded, I had space. No kid, no husband, no work obligations, so I felt free to take my time and flow and play.

  3. What felt good? The unwinding that occurred when moving through this lopp felt really good. I overall like the simplicity of it and how complex it can become, so it is something that I would really love to teach.

  4. I think the one thing that I would do differently is emphasizing the push aspect in the first part of the loop. I played around with it before and liked how pushing from the outside or inside of my hand made my movement different or caused a different trajectory into the second movement. I probably could have played more with what my feet and toes were doing as I just emphasized the push from my toes and feel like I could have explored that more.

  5. What I learned is that even in moments where my mind and body may not be feeling up for moving, it is a great way to explore even simple movements and see where it takes me. It is definitely an encourager for me to still find movement even when I am not feeling up to it, it is surprising to see what will develop. In regards to teaching, simple is always better. I will be starting to teach pole foundations at my local pole studio and want to add floorwork to my choreo and it will be important to remember that I just need to lay a foundation and allow my students to explore what comes up for them rather than dictate what it should look like or feel like.