Nalini Akal - Loop

Sequence: Loop

Activations included:

 x position static and rocking, fetal with stacked knees, sway, drag, reaching and drive through.


Motivations for choice of Movement:

The X is a space of neutrality, when we add the rocking with breath work it creates a type of reset for the body somatically and clears off energy to begin work. A type of Reset.


The fetal position carries the participant into a more relaxed space and offers comfort so that new movements can be introduced.


The sway deepens relaxation while offering increased blood flow to the spine and removing the tension that may be residual in the muscles.


The drag brings our awareness to the tactility of the space in which we are moving, it opens the neck and spine and once accomplished correctly gives an almost headless feeling as the tensions of the head are removed from a static tense upright position.


The reaching position was recommended to carry the stretch to the hips and release tension in the lower back


And the extended reach with the drive through of the feet was chosen to lessen even more tension in the lower back and offer a counter stretch to participants who spend a lot of time sitting.


Pre- movement choices:

I experimented with my classes that I currently teach to decide which sequences offered the most relief and got bodies into a supple minded state.


Before filming this I tried other versions but cut down my ambitions and decided to do a piece that offered the most comfort and relaxation I could possibly sequence without participants feeling overwhelmed.


Possible Enhancements:

Adding leg movement in large fan like half circles and moving the contact points once lifted.


The Healthy Challenge:

The healthy challenge was definitely -the step/drive through and rotation reaching upward. It felt accessible to me and for my students


Observations for future teaching:

This sequence revealed that I can slow it down even more and also can progress a lifted version of the sequence as well – that is a standing version where I can use heel bumps in replacement of the floor rocking and other transitions to convert the floor version to standing vertical.


Written Explanation of the process for the Loop:

I began the loop by adding one move and repeating the sequence so that participants will have a handle on familiarity and yet be open to the addition of a new move and then grounding and re grounding at the beginning and end of the loop.