Anietie Ukpe-Wallace - Final Project


  1. I chose this project of focusing on exploring movement of the pelvis and pelvic floor because I wanted a different option of how I can teach movement of this area. Much of what I currently teach is done lying down on one’s back on a treatment table and is pretty one dimensional and restricted. I also teach other movements in standing, but can be difficult for some patients to learn if they don’t have the basics. I wanted to create a way to teach pelvic movement that can be unique to them and that also felt freeing but grounded at the same time.

  2. What I felt was a healthy challenge was finding a way to do this work for the one patient who is much older, not very mobile and does not have much connection to their body as those are some individuals that I work with.

  3. I feel that this project offers the participant an opportunity to move their bodies, specifically their pelvic floor and pelvis, in new and innovative ways. For example, to see how movements of the feet can have an impact on their pelvis as well and to learn to interact with the ground especially if one is afraid of moving on the floor.

  4. If there was one thing that I would have done differently, I would have chosen to do this in a bigger space so I can do the movement along with the student. The feedback from her was that it would have been nice to be able to see what I was doing, but also I wanted her to embody the movements in her own way, but I think it would have been nice for me to be a guide.

  5. What I learned and plan on applying into my teaching would be that I can just take one component of what I taught in this project when working with patients and then add on to it over time. I don’t have to throw everything at them all at once and overwhelm especially if it is their first time doing this type of exploration. I also want to feel more comfortable just getting my patients on the ground and moving, I have a tendency to do a lot of my work on the treatment table and if they are not an athlete and other than functional movements, I don’t know how to incorporate general movements that can be just for fun or exploring. I think if I start to introduce it in small and simple ways, it will be more accessible and approachable for me and my patients.


2C: Summary of My Project: My project is a beginner’s exploration of their pelvis and pelvic floor. If you have been looking to see how you can influence movement of your pelvis other than moving your pelvis and see how other parts of your body interact with fluid and smooth movement of your pelvis, this project will do just that!

