Floor Flow® Teacher Training Program Agreement

As a member of Floor Flow® Teacher Training, I am expected to help co-create a kind, thoughtful, inclusive environment. This includes how I show up in class and with members and the Flow Team.

I will do what I can to adapt to the guidelines/instructions as they happen.

When I follow the procedures, it allows the Flow team to do better work. I understand that when I don’t follow the guidelines, I am asking others to do extra work (and probably not the fun kind 👎).

If I have any questions or concerns regarding the program agreement, I will contact info@flowmovement.net.


I understand that I am responsible for my own learning and progress. This includes (but is not limited to):

  • Coming to classes/ office hours (watching recordings) without multitasking

  • Watching & reading supporting materials

  • Completing homework assignments

  • Practicing the exercises between classes with my full attention

  • Asking for help and clarification with thoughtful questions when needed2. PARTICIPANT OBLIGATIONS

I understand that my results in this program are my own responsibility however, we are more likely to succeed with support and community. As such, I will do what I can to support my peers as well.

  • I understand it is my responsibility to stay on top of the schedule and block out the time necessary to study, practice, catch up, etc.


I agree to give others corrective or tip-based feedback ONLY when they have explicitly asked for it.


I understand that while I can teach this material to my students (please do!!), I am not permitted to run instructor trainings directly based off the FFTT material.

  • I understand I am welcome to share glimpses into what I’m learning in my social media. However, I will avoid providing educational content to my followers directly from Floor Flow Teacher Training as if it is my own.

  • We encourage you to use the hashtag #floorflowteachertraining when sharing course-related things.


I agree to take responsibility for reading all program emails and documents in their entirety. 👀

  • I understand that I do not need to communicate whether or not I will be present for live sessions. #allgood

  • I will not use Instagram, Facebook, Telegram, or What’s App to contact Marlo for program-related questions. I will use Slack or Email.

  • I agree to not DM Marlo about tech or billing things—I will email her team help@flowmovement.net

  • Questions to ask via Email: (if I need the Flow team, I will include [FFTT] in the subject line)

    • Billing issues

    • Program status things

    • “Can I share this?”

  • Questions to ask via Slack:

    • Content related

    • Tech related

  • I understand that while Marlo may show up on Slack on Sat & Sun, those are her off days. ✌🏼

  • When I send emails to Flow- I will state the subject and put [FFTT] in the subject.

  • I agree to practice asking clear, thoughtful questions.

  • I understand that my questions will be prioritized in live sessions if they are pre-submitted in advance.

  • I will strive to communicate clearly and honestly. I understand that my feedback matters and helps create a better experience for all.

  • I understand that movement is COMPLEX and there are no absolute answers. There is not ONE way. As such, some questions can never be fully answered.


I agree to TRIM MY VIDEOS tightly. I will not send Marlo videos where I am standing around, thinking, fixing music, moving my pets around, and/or picking my ass 😉.

  • I agree to use the correct naming conventions for submissions.

  • I agree to state whether my videos can be shared with the FFTT group or not.

  • I understand that feedback can take up to 5 days, but usually happens much faster than that.


I understand I can use the three dots next to my video rectangle on zoom to include my preferred name /fuh-neh-tik / pronouns / land etc. I will do my best to correctly address people in the training.

  • I understand all zoom calls are recorded and anything I share in the calls will be shared and uploaded.

  • I will use the group chat for things that are relevant to the whole group, such as when Marlo is asking about observations.

  • I will practice staying muted unless asked to unmute.

  • I understand that I do NOT need to use the chat to announce why I am late or need to leave as this does not impact the group.

  • I agree not to have side conversations (chatting about off-topic things) in the group chat on zoom.

  • I understand that chat can detract/distract from others learning. I will practice messaging Marlo directly if I need her to clarify something (choose her name form the dropdown menu).

  • I understand that group sessions are about collective learning whereas Slack DM’s are where I can have an ongoing dialogue with Marlo.

  • I will be aware of how much space I am taking up in group sessions. If I tend to ask first, I’ll practice letting others speak up more. If I tend to hide, I’ll practice challenging myself to show up more.

  • Group classes involve breakout groups. I understand that my energy, visibility, and participation impacts my groups experience.

  • I understand that throughout the program, Marlo will be changing locations, time zones and WiFi speeds. She will always do her best to be well connected. If for some reason tech is not working, she will schedule a make-up session.


I understand that I will have about 2.5 months to submit the certification requirements after the FFTT program ends. If I do not complete the requirements by the deadline, I will have the opportunity to test with the next round or pay for flexible testing.


I am aware that I will have access to course materials for 2 years after the program ends.


  • Give you weekly breakdowns of what’s expected and how long each item will take

  • Give you ample opportunities to communicate with us

  • Reply to you within 48 hours

  • Send you class reminder emails

  • Send you class summary emails

  • Put class summaries and transcripts in Thinkific

  • Update the procedures document and will notify me via email & slack when things change.

  • Make learning FUNNNNNN 🐛🥳