Kristina Dobyns - Loop

. What are the easy-to-remember ingredients of your loop? (this could be movements/actions/images)




2. Describe your process. How did you choose the parts? How was your experience leading up to filming this? What did you need to do to get in the right state of body/mind/spirit to Flow?

It was a bit more challenging than I thought, logistically. I never film myself, so at first I didn't realize I needed my computer AND phone to record myself..Then in the space I was renting I couldn't turn up the music because a yoga class was going on…then I didn't have storage on my phone…again and again my attempts were dashed, although I did get sections recorded but never felt satisfied. In the take I submitted, I still didn’t love all aspects. The self critic comes out. I’m not good enough, blah blah blah. But I decided that it doesn’t have to be perfect. It reflects me, as I am, doing my best in this moment :)

3. What felt good ( or provided a healthy challenge) in this loop video experience?

I noticed the reaching and moving segments felt more fluid for me. The “relaxing” part, ironically enough, felt challenging to demarcate. I didn't want “relaxing” to appear dead, short, lackluster, or weak. So I tried to find the balance between a sort of relaxing/retreating type of movement, that feels congruent, but also doesn’t just die in form or energy.

4. If there is ONE thing that you would do differently, what is it?

Maybe repeat the exact movements of one of the loops again. Each time, I did the loop but improvised a different manifestation. Perhaps I could have played with repeating the same exact loop multiple times.

5. What did you learn from this experience that you will apply to your own training or teaching?

Loops may not be easy but when we give ourselves grace, it is enjoyable, even in the challenge.


Evidence of class: Floor flow “class”


Special Project Debrief


1. Describe your process. Why did you choose your project? Why did you choose this method for sharing it?

I chose this project because addiction and eating disorders are near and dear to my heart. I wanted to choose a project I was interested in, so I tasked myself to consider what the utility might be to have floor movement for those with addictions/EDs, and what might the facilitator need to consider when teaching a class or working with clients? I came across quotes in my research that stood out to me, so I included them.

2.. What felt good (or provided a healthy challenge) in creating this project?

It was a nice challenge to put some things on paper and think formally about this topic. I had to dig through some books of mine to find relevant passages and ideas.

3. What do you think your project offers the viewer/participat? (Tools for accessing a Flow state, more awareness of the floor, etc. )

Considerations for working with a specific population, and trauma-informed considerations that can be applied for all occasions and populations

4. If there is ONE thing that you would do differently, what is it?

All of it can be expanded and fleshed out.

5. What did you learn from this experience that you will apply to your own training or teaching?

It is a nice starting point for me. In the future, I would like to continue this project either academically or as a teacher and/or both.

3C. 1-3 Sentence Summary of your project.

What did you do? Why should anyone watch it?

(use this opportunity to entice others to check out your work). We will be loading your projects into a “gallery” and these few sentences will appear under the cover image for your work.

Brainstorming the utility of floor movement for those overcoming addictions, compulsions, eating disorders, maladaptive patterns, and trauma. Considerations for teaching a trauma-informed class.