Active Back Invert Master Class with Guest Instructor
Sun Date: 8/21/2022 From: 9:00 am - 10:30 am
Have you ever seen your profile when you invert on the pole? Did you know that if you're working optimally, you will not appear rounded while inverting or hooking your legs? If you tend to look more rounded than elongated, feel like you need to speed through your inverts… Or you have no freaking idea what your spine is doing because it just feels like your butt is too heavy to hoist, you should 100 % join this class! There are many ways to invert. However, some methods are more sustainable and present more opportunities for fluidity than others. Come learn the progressions for your most glorious invert ever in the Active Back Invert Masterclass. And guess what?
We will not do a SINGLE POLE CRUNCH. None. You in?
The Seven Secrets of Aerial Fluidity with Guest Instructor
Sun Date: 8/21/2022 From: 10:45 am - 12:15 pm
When it comes to looking at ease on the pole, the details MATTER. Ever wonder how to climb without flexing your back foot effortlessly? Or how to hold the pole with two hands while looking relaxed in your neck and shoulders? Let's dive into the details that make a world of difference.When you come to class, and get in on the Seven Secrets of Aerial Fluidity, you will know exactly what it takes to make being in the air look easy. ADVANCED BEGINNER+.
Leggy Low Flow Tricks with Guest Inst
Mon Date: 8/22/2022 From: 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Have you ever seen hypnotic, acrobatic low flow leg work and thought, "That is cool, but what is even happening there?!" No matter your current leg mobility (no splits, no problem!), after this class, you will know the secrets behind endless leg swirls in standing, floor work, and handstand-based positions. INTERMEDATE LEVEL.
Melty Mounts with Guest Instructor
Mon Date: 8/22/2022 From: 7:45 pm - 9:15 pm
You can climb. You can make shapes. But sometimes, the way you get on, and off the pole feels rushed and predictable. After ninety minutes of Melty Mounts, you will know the five top techniques to reinvent and "dancify" your mounts and dismounts. INTERMEDIATE+.